Steven M. Wise Obituary, Cause Of Death

Steven M. Wise obituary, cause of death
Steven M. Wise obituary, cause of death

Steven M. Wise Obituary

Renowned animal rights pioneer Steven M. Wise passed away on February 15th after a long illness. He was 73 years old.

A Champion of Animal Rights

An innovative scholar and groundbreaking expert on animal law, Steven M. Wise founded and served as president of the Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP), the only nonprofit organization in the US dedicated solely to establishing legal rights for nonhuman animals. Throughout his career, Wise fought tirelessly to challenge the status quo and advocate for the recognition of animals as sentient beings deserving of legal protection.

Fighting for Freedom

Under Wise’s leadership, the NhRP achieved significant milestones in the quest for animal rights. Notably, he filed a historic habeas corpus petition on behalf of Happy, an elephant held in captivity at the Bronx Zoo. This case, considered by historian Jill Lepore as “the most important animal-rights case of the 21st-century,” reached the New York Court of Appeals in 2022. While the Court ultimately denied Happy’s petition, the dissenting judges wrote historic opinions that challenged the notion that only humans can have rights. Wise’s efforts also led to the development and passing of the first animal rights law in the country in 2023, protecting elephants’ right to liberty.

Leading the Way

Driven by a commitment to social justice, Wise’s journey began amidst his involvement in the anti-Vietnam War movement as an undergraduate at the College of William and Mary. After graduating from Boston University Law School in 1976 and starting his legal career as a criminal defense lawyer, Wise’s path took a turn when he read Peter Singer’s influential book, “Animal Liberation.” Inspired by Singer’s work, Wise transitioned into becoming an animal protection lawyer.

A Legacy of Education

Wise’s impact extended beyond legal activism. He played a crucial role in the development of animal law as an academic discipline. In 2000, he taught the first-ever animal law course at Harvard University, paving the way for future generations of animal rights lawyers. Throughout his career, Wise continued to educate and inspire, teaching animal rights jurisprudence at various esteemed institutions worldwide.

Remembering Steven M. Wise

Steven M. Wise was a prolific writer, authoring several books that explored the intersection of law, ethics, and animal rights. His works include “Rattling the Cage: Toward Legal Rights for Animals” (2000), “Drawing the Line: Science and the Case for Animal Rights” (2002), “Though the Heavens May Fall: The Landmark Trial That Led to the End of Human Slavery” (2005), and “An American Trilogy: Death, Slavery, and Dominion Along the Banks of the Cape Fear River” (2009). He also co-authored a graphic novel about Happy’s case, titled “Thing: Inside the Struggle for Animal Personhood” (2023).

Throughout his career, Wise published numerous animal rights articles and delivered countless lectures worldwide. His dedication to advocating for animals earned him appearances on prominent television and radio shows, where he passionately shared his message with a global audience.


What was the cause of Steven M. Wise’s death?

Steven M. Wise passed away after a long illness. While specific details regarding his illness were not disclosed, his contributions to the animal rights movement continue to inspire many to carry on his important work.

Where can I find more information about Steven M. Wise’s legacy?

For more information about Steven M. Wise’s remarkable legacy and his impact on the animal rights movement, visit the official website of Celebrity Deaths 2024.

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